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Global Agriculture


Experience in



Established and promoted


Centers of excellence worldwide

Working with more than


Startups in the Agtech space


Welcome to our global agriculture house, where we specialize in turnkey projects, feasibility tests, and startup acceleration. With over 40 years of invaluable agronomy and business leadership experience, we are uniquely positioned to offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs. By combining the best practices, methodologies, and tools from traditional agriculture with the power of hi-tech and technology, we empower you to achieve exceptional results. Whether you require seamless turnkey projects, rigorous feasibility tests, or a robust startup accelerator program, turn key service for organic farming or any other Agriculture related service –  our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way.

A one stop shop for companies and organizations, aiming to develop international presence, maximizing operations and yields, or shaping future products and services for local and global markets.

A center of knowledge and innovation, servicing individuals, groups and companies, aiming to position themselves at the very front of the global Agriculture market. 

The breeder and registered owner of innovative elephant Garlic species, offering high yields and resistance to Nematode.

Mission: ​

To empower the agriculture and farming industry to tackle challenges posed by a growing population and increasing demand for healthy food.


Revolutionizing agriculture through technology and innovations, empowering farmers with tools and resources to meet market expectations in quality, quantity, and cost.