Business Development India & Africa
India is one of the fastest growing economies worldwide. Africa is a vast emerging market, with great challenges. Success in these regions calls for a substantial cultural understanding and the right introduction.
Our experience in these regions spans over decades of successful operations. We offer extensive hands-on agronomy experience, a strong understanding of specific country and state needs, and a highly developed network that includes government officials, local businesses, and farmers.
Areas of expertise include: farm operation, crops, forestry, plantation and animals management, Soil Analysis and Fertility Management, Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Irrigation and Water Management, Nutrition and Fertilizer Programs, Monitoring and Yield Enhancement, Sustainable Farming Practices, Organic Farming
In recent years, we have led 46 Centers of Excellence and over 100 Villages of Excellence across India and neighbouring countries. These operations support current growing techniques and products, leading to increased productivity, efficiency, and yields. The local market benefits from access to international markets, allowing established and start-up companies direct access to a market serving 1.5 billion people on a daily basis. They also have the option to present and sell their products and services